Dr. Fred Mazzaferri's Page I am grateful to Dr. Mazzaferri for
permission to publish his outstanding research Dr. Fred Mazzaferri is a freelance, Australian theologian who
graduated initially as a telecommunications professional. He soon abandoned his
prestigious research facility, however, to pursue his paramount interest in
theology, finally graduating in 1986 in Aberdeen, Scotland. His specialty is the
Book of Revelation. As a busy author,
above all, he retains a degree of sanity by cultivating Australian indigenous
flora and dabbling in science, especially cosmology, digitronics and pure
mathematics. All articles on this page are in Adobe Acrobat PDF.
Six Essay Titles and
If you have questions on any of Dr. Fred Mazzaferri's essays
Truth or Fables does not necessarily endorse every
sentiment, Adult Sabbath
School Bible Study Guide Third Quarter, 2006 The Gospel, 1844, and Judgment
A By Dr. Fred Mazzaferri Note: The pdf links within the Introduction and Lessons do not take you to the site. You must have Adobe Reader installed on you
computer to read PDF files. Free download at:
http://www.freedownloadhq.com/Acrobat.html Read This First: INTRODUCTION About the Author
God’s Sanctuaries IS NOW HERE! Would you like to review Dr. Mazzaferri’s
research on Seventh-day Adventism’s 1844 dogma in more detail, although
carefully tailored
for lay accessibility? Then Cleansing God’s Sanctuaries
is for you! The author probes one key question rarely
explored by researchers in this field: Would William Miller and his followers
have sought the meaning of Dan. 8:14 in Lev. 16 had they fully respected their
own, primitive hermeneutics for Bible Study? Would you like to examine a clear
copy of their primary study aid, dated 1824, so that you can decide for
yourself? Then Cleansing God’s Sanctuaries is for you!
As in a Mirror
I am perfectly comfortable with our teachings … These… have been… challenged by…
well known critics and are even stronger today…” With this hackneyed excuse a lofty Seventh-day Adventist
official recently dismissed an objection to his habit of preaching that his
Church’s distinctive dogma is quite watertight. Like most leaders, he clasps to
his grateful breast the seven-volume apologia recently published by their Daniel
and Revelation Committee (DARCOM). Yet like most leaders, he does so blindly.
For, even if he has tried to read it open mindedly, he needs more than his
meager training in theology to submit it candidly to the Berean Test of Acts
17:11. Seventh-day Adventism will never retire its precious heresies,
therefore, unless it faces the cold, hard facts concerning its newest
psychological crutch, this DARCOM apologia. This tale begins with Dr. Desmond Ford, who became the
charismatic focus of decades of widespread concerns of a legion of Seventh-day
Adventists world-wide. Church officers responded by convening the most
significant colloquium in their denomination’s history. More than 100 leaders
and scholars met in Colorado in 1980 to consider his 1,000-page position paper.
Except for a few relatively minor concessions, he gained no official support. In
fact, for all of their impact on subsequent public emphases, even these few
doctrinal concessions appear to have been surreptitiously pensioned off on some
distant, dusty shelf! What really counts here, though, is the violent fallout and Dr.
Ford’s resultant, shameful defrocking. Reactions were intense and rampant.
Various scholars, hundreds of ministers and thousands of members left their
Church voluntarily or otherwise — sometimes under the intense spotlight of the
world’s media. Striving to lay the stubborn ghost of Dr. Ford’s “heresies” to
rest, Seventh-day Adventism’s authoritative Biblical Research Institute
harnessed the apologistic skills of a score or more of its most willing
scholars. After a decade of intense effort, in 1992 it published its key,
theological conclusions in its DARCOM series. As in a Mirror Yet it is certainly much more suitable for the serious lay Bible
student than for any quite casual reader. Regardless, this careful critique by a well informed scholar is
an extremely valuable resource for the serious Bible student keen to comprehend
Seventh-day Adventism — and to assist its casualties to breathe the fresh air of
truth. Click Link: 320 pages for $10.00 for order information